Background Information about Collection

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Collection Name:Designing Future Wheat Breeders ToolkitCollection Image
Collection Description:

The DFW Wheat Toolkit is a set of pre-breeding germplasm lines, developed by the Designing Future Wheat (DFW) and Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) Institute Strategic Programmes. A BBSRC funded scientific programme spanning eight Research Institutes and Universities with the aim to develop new wheat germplasm containing the next generation of key traits from Wild Relatives, Mutations, Synthetics and Landrace sources. Agronomically promising lines are trialed in multi-site trials by commercial breeders and scientific institutions as an annually changing Breeders Diversity Toolkit (BTK) series. This is an ever growing collection with currently 135 lines available 

GRU Collection Number:41
Number of Accession recorded in SeedStor:182 accessions
Collection is Publicly available:Yes
GRU Collection Type:Other
Collection Multilateral System Status:No
Collection material is part of ITPGRFA:No
Collection Comments:

Collection Recovery and MTA templates

Signed MTA before Job Close
Signed MTA before Dispatch
Signed MTA before Dispatch

Phytosanitary certificate: £25.52 Per Job
Phyto - Lab testing: £33.56 Per Job
Phyto - Inspector visit (First 30 minutes): £127.60 Per Job
Phyto - Inspector visit (Each additional 15 mins) : £63.30 Per Job
GRU Handling Fee for Phytosanitary certification: £50.00 Per Job
Handling Fee: £15.00 Per Job
GRU handling fee for Plant Passporting : £35.00 Per Job
Line Maintenance fee: £5.00 Per Line

Collection Level Links & Supplemental Data Files

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